Categories: Finance

Let’s Talk… When to Take Profits on a Stock!!

Let’s Talk… When to Take Profits on a Stock!!

You bought a stock at the beginning of the year and its price has risen dramatically. What do you do? Here are some things to consider when this happens. 

  • First, investing can be emotional. Don’t let the emotion of greed drive your investing strategy.
  • Second, be disciplined. If you have certain parameters about how much of a stock you can have in your portfolio, don’t violate that parameter.
  • Third, one idea is to sell half. This allows you to take what you invested out (maybe a bit more or less) and let your profits stay invested.
  • In the end, one doesn’t get hurt taking a profit. If it’s outside of an IRA, you will have to pay long /short term capital gains, but having a gain is better than having a loss.

The content in this material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as an investment advice.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

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