Let’s Talk… The World Cup!!
Since I was 10 years old, I’ve heard the mantra that soccer is getting big in the USA. The fact is that 36 years later, it ranks behind hockey and NASCAR in many polls with the American public. It’s extremely popular everywhere else, but remains a laggard in the USA.
That being said, it’s the World Cup, and I wanted to see what the hype was all about. I decided to watch two games (Mexico vs Poland & USA vs England). Both games ended in a tie. Soccer is evidently very strategic and scoring isn’t a big deal, so it’s best watched at pubs, where you can engage in other activities like drinking beer.
During this process, I learned to expand my horizons and appreciate other cultures and their love for the game. Do I think soccer will ever be a “top three sport “ in the USA ? Probably not. Am I going to cheer for the USA in the World Cup? Absolutely, because it’s a matter of national pride! I also learned that everybody is different and has their own likes/ dislikes. Cricket is very popular in India and that’s ok even though it’s not played in my home country.
In the end, I’ll stick with American football, baseball, and basketball. I like action. I don’t like a game that after 90 minutes of play ends in a tie, but I can show some cultural admiration for a game that is loved around the world.
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.