Categories: Finance

Let’s Talk… Savings Account Rates

Let’s Talk… Mortgage Rates and Your Options if You Need to Move!!

You need to pay attention to what the banks are paying you to hold your cash. I thought I had a great rate on an online savings account but those rates are on the rise again and I found one paying over 5%!! Here are some things to consider. 

  • First, make sure it’s a legitimate bank that’s FDIC insured and don’t go over the FDIC limit.
  • Second, consider ease of use. How quickly can you get your money deposited from the online savings acct to your regular bank acct is key in this situation.
  • Third, check sites like for the highest yielding savings accounts, but read the fine print. Some offer a high rate for up to let’s say $10k.

In the end, expect rates to stay high for a while and enjoy some extra cash on your hard earned savings.

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