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Let's Talk… Happy Independence Day!

As we approach the Fourth of July, we should all be reminded that things like freedom and independence are worth fighting for. When we speak of our “financial freedom”, it seems like an unattainable goal, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are a few ways that you can have your own “Financial Independence Day”.

  1. Fight for your independence. Start with creating a budget that you can later adjust as needed. It’s impossible to change a plan, if you didn’t have one to begin with. Budget your income, expenses, and savings. Once you have your budget down, you can begin creating funds for an emergency fund, spending money, and your savings. 
  2. Educate yourself and take SMART Risks. There are many risks you can take with your finances, but the key thing is to make smart decisions. Do your research and read about what risk you are about to take. By doing this you will notice trends that will affirm or discourage the investment.
  3. Lastly, once you have come up with your plan and done your research, follow your plan and see it through! By doing this you are Declaring your Financial Freedom. You will constantly have to make revisions going forward, but that’s part of it. Revise your plan, if needed, and stick to it!

The content in this material is for educational and informational purposes only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations to any individual. All investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss.

a post on how to find financial freedom on independence day