Categories: Finance

Let’s Talk… Going Back to the Office in the Post-Pandemic World!

Let’s Talk… Going Back to the Office in the Post-Pandemic World!

With life returning back to normal and the end of the pandemic in sight, many businesses are starting to bring employees back to the office. What will the new normal look like?

A recent article on shared that among those Americans surveyed who worked remotely during the pandemic, 87% would like to continue working remotely at least one day a week and 68% prefer a hybrid workplace model. Importantly, 42% say if their employer won’t offer remote work options long-term, they’ll look for a job at a company that does.

These are profound changes in the workplace that, in my view, are a win-win for the companies and the employees. This past year has shown us that work can be done from home as efficiently as from the office. Hybrid models offer employees a better work life balance while also helping companies reduce their expenses with things like real estate and utilities. 

What are your thoughts? Let us know!

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