Let’s Talk… Getting out of Your Comfort Zone!!
Since I was a kid, I’ve had an irrational fear of skiing and ice skating. I can’t pinpoint why, but the thought always intimidated me. Then one day, when we were traveling in Europe, I decided to give skiing a shot. To my surprise, I got it. I wasn’t great or anything, but I actually got it. And had a blast!
Fast forward to this past weekend. We went with our kids to a Christmas market in our neighborhood. My wife grew up in Ukraine ice-skating on frozen rivers in winter, so she was eager to ice skate, but I planned to sit it out. That is, until the person handing out skates offered me a pair – completely free. How could I say no? So, I put the skates on, very carefully made my way onto the ice, and before I knew it, I was getting the hang of it. And honestly I had a great time!
This experience reminded me of an important lesson, one I want to share as we head into the new year: step out of your comfort zone. Try something new. Break away from your daily routine and do something different, even if it’s small. It doesn’t have to be risky or exhilarating to make a difference.
Take someone who thinks differently from you politically to lunch and have an open conversation – not to debate or convince them your way is better, but to genuinely understand their perspective. Volunteer a few hours of your time at a local nonprofit. Or follow in the footsteps of a friend of mine who started ballroom dancing at the age of 70! Life doesn’t come with an expiration date on trying new things. There’s no rulebook that says you can’t start something fresh as you get older.
At the end of the day, my message is this: pause to appreciate the life you have. Stop chasing after things and take a moment to find joy in the present. But remember, part of personal growth comes from embracing new experiences. So, in 2025, challenge yourself to step outside the familiar. You might just surprise yourself.
The content in this material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as an investment advice.
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.