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Let’s Talk… Fear of Success!

You’ve gotten to a point in your career where you are more than just surviving, but you fear taking it to the next level because that would mean you don’t have to ever go back to a survival mode. 

I know this sounds odd but some people dwell and thrive in survival mode. This was me 10 years ago. I would be on the brink of closing a big account and not call the person back or put it off knowing that this account would basically put my career on an upward path and I would never look back. Keep in mind I’m in the business of selling myself. Here are some tips to get out of the fear of success mode. 

First, every minute of every day is precious. Don’t put off something that can be done today. Keep moving forward!!

Second, know your value to a company. When I meet with someone, I have a general idea how much monetary benefit they will get by dealing with me vs how much it will cost them. 

Third, if you work for a big company, don’t discount yourself. Ask for a raise or promotion. If you want to reach out, I can give you pointers on how and when to do this. 

Fourth, it’s not about money, but the truth is it probably is. You aren’t a charity case and your family depends on your paycheck. You are a valuable asset that needs to be respected, cherished and compensated. If your current employer isn’t doing that, look around.  You might be surprised at what’s out there.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

Blog post discusses what may be holding us back from achieving success