Categories: Finance

Let’s Talk… Drone Delivery of Goods to Your House!!

Let’s Talk… Drone Delivery of Goods to Your House!!

Technology is advancing really fast. With that, there is a continual move to take people out of the business mix. You will see driverless taxis/Uber start to be rolled out in select markets. Recently I saw that Amazon is delivering via drone certain medications that are bought through its pharmacy. This is being done in College Station, Texas. Here are my initial thoughts. 

First, employees are expensive. This rollout will save the company money over a long period of time if successful. 

Second, people want convenience. As life gets busier, the thought of going to a pharmacy becomes less appealing. In this test market, you get your meds in as little as 60 min. 

Third, look for a rollout of other products delivered to your house via drone or other driverless methods if this is successful. 

In the end, look for business to cut employment costs and become more streamlined as this is rolled out. There will be problems but I think this is going to be a big part of online purchases in the future.

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