Categories: Finance

Let’s talk… College Series: Delayed Gratification!

Let’s talk… College Series: Delayed Gratification!

It’s likely that your parents taught you some sort of self control growing up, if not this is a trait that is best to learn sooner than later, especially when it comes to your finances.

Even though it seems easier to buy anything on credit any time you’d like, it is much easier to practice delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is resisting immediate pleasure in exchange for a long term reward. Through delayed gratification you will find it much easier and less stressful to keep your personal finances in order. 

Through the practice of delayed gratification one will have a better control of their financial future. There is nothing as important as learning to be the manager of your money. If you don’t understand the importance of really having a hold on your money, you can easily lose track of it or be taken advantage of. This is why it’s always important to have a plan, whether it be savings, spending, or investing.

Managing your money is something easily put of, so you do need to get started. Don’t allow things to get out of control before you get serious about your finances. Just like anything new, it starts with baby steps. These small actions and plans can help us along the way and prevent us from a sticky financial situation in the future.

The content in this material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as an investment advice.

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