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Let’s Talk… College Series: COVID and College Admissions!

Today we continue our college post series. 

Everyone was affected by the virus in some way. With students being no exception, let’s take a look at how COVID affected college applications.

For juniors and seniors standardized testing is essential for college admission, whether it be PSAT, SAT, ACT, or any AP Exam. These all help with getting into the college of your dream by knocking off tuition, with scholarships, and offering college credit. With many of these tests being cancelled due to COVID this past year, do we know the effect it will have on our upcoming college students?

Many people believe the lack of preparing for and taking these tests has left many students underprepared for college. Resources like student counselors are not able to walk students through these processes anymore, leaving some students lost in trying to apply to college. The absence of these tests also hinder the amount of financial aid to be distributed. With no test scores to prove how well you fare against your classmates, colleges are handing out less and less financial aid.

Whatever the reason may be, it’s arguable that our children, the younger generation, was hit hard by COVID, and will have to see the effects through for the rest of their lives. Let me know what you think!

The content in this material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as an investment advice.

The post discusses how COVID affected college admissions