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Let’s Talk… Back to School!

It’s that time of the year when kids go back to school. Here are some things I’ve learned by experience to make the back to school transition a little bit easier. 

First, get in a routine before the first day. Sleeping late and watching TV all night can be habit forming so asking your kids to break summer habits in one day is probably going to make life miserable for you on that first day. 

Second, depending on the situation, your kids may be nervous because they may be going to a new school. Be lighthearted and make the situation fun. Maybe have a special treat for that first day to reduce any tension. 

Third, if you have a high schooler/ middle schooler, be mindful of deadlines for parents that may come up. The schools these days send so many reminders that the important ones sometimes slip by. Come up with a way to review emails from school and separate the junk from the important stuff. My wife and I aren’t perfect and it sometimes is easier said than done, but what we have found is that preparing is the key to success when it comes to having a successful start of the school year.

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The blog post shares suggestions for easing back into the school routine