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Let’s Talk… Arab Spring 2.0!

All around the world we have felt the pain of high inflation rates post COVID. What we start to see now is that massive food inflation is in the process of causing some of the same protests/ riots / government topplings that happened in 2011 in the Arab world. 

The basic need of people to feed themselves and their families is put at risk because of the massive rise in food cost. It’s now hitting that segment of the population that is most at risk. When people are in a situation where they have nothing to lose and can’t feed themselves because they can’t afford food, they blame the current leaders in charge. 

In the Arab world, I expect to see more than one government toppled due to this and other factors. What they topple into, who knows. I just know that if you look at history, geographical lines and people in charge rarely stay the same in times like this. The big question is will the world be a safe place when the dust settles? 

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Blog post discusses impact of rising food costs on stability in the Arab world